




Fallbrook Multifamily Investments assists developers and real estate investors in the acquisition of multifamily properties across the country.  We work closely with our clients in order to select properties that are best suited to their needs.   FMI sources properties in all phases of development from raw land, to a class A property for asset preservation.  Our decades of experience in the industry and extensive broker relationships help to ensure rapid and efficient property identification, negotiation, and closing. 

Asset Management

Asset Management

Asset Management

Asset Management

FMI Asset Manegment, LLC, a subsidiary of Fallbrook Multifamily, monitors and reports on operations and trends in the local market for each development to make sure performance standards and projections are met.  If they are not met, we will intervene and make the necessary corrections to bring the property back into budgeted performance standards.  FMI worries about the little things as well as the big things so that clients can focus on what matters to them.  We are an owner advocate that demands top performance from our employees so we have the highest performance for our clients.





Fallbrook Development Company, LLC, is an industry leader in developing and preserving multifamily housing has extensive experience in family, senior, urban, suburban, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, HUD preservation and neighborhood revitalization developments.

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FMI through its years of experience in the affordable housing industry has formed strong relationships in the financial industry and maintains strategic alliances which allow us to deliver construction and permanent loans for affordable housing development.  We also have pre-development loans of up to $500,000 which can be used to secure a tax credit allocation and be paid at partnership closing.